The Wye & Teme Valley's Premier Lifestyle Magazine

Meet The Photographer: Caroline Constance

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Caroline Constance lives in Goodrich, Herefordshire, and is a married mum of four. With her last fledgling leaving the nest, Caroline is finding more time to indulge her passion for photography. Wye Life caught up with Caroline to find out a little more about her and what photography brings to her life.

Goodrich View Caroline Constance Wye Life
You clearly love photography. Do you have any other hobbies?

Of course photography, and I love going for long walks. I enjoy keeping fit so fitness workouts and swimming too. I am quite active.

Wye Life Caroline Constance River Wye
Have you always been into photography?
I have always been interested in photography but in the last five years I have started to take it more seriously as I found my iPhone so easy to use and sharing the the images has become a lot easier. I feel encouraged doing more because of the great feedback I get from friends and family and also from the lovely people on the various photography groups and social media I’m involved with.

Wye Life Caroline Constance Landscape
What are your favourite subjects?

I love to capture the moments with my iPhone during my walks. I think by being profoundly deaf by birth has heightened my visual sense. They do say that, I believe it’s called hyperesthesia. I definitely enjoy the visual side of things more. Beautiful sunrises, sunsets, reflections and the beauty of countryside are my thing.

Wye Life Caroline Constance Flooding
Are there any photographers that particularly inspire you?

I’m learning a lot from other photographers on the Wye Life photo corner Facebook group – that’s how I improve daily. It’s lovely to see the improvements in other photographers. I think we all inspire each other and motivate each other to look at things in a different way. There’s always positive feedback. I’m sure it does help our confidence.

Wye Life Caroline Constance
What’s the greatest benefit photography brings to your life?

Thanks to the photography it does take me out of the house locally much more often, and during the lockdowns over the last year it has really helped keep me sane! I think many in our group would agree with that.

Are you interested in photography? Do you live in Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, south Powys and surrounding area
Would you like to meet lovely, like-minded people? The Wye Life photo corner has over 3,000 members. Some are hobby snappers, some professional photographers and a lot of members post very occasionally and just enjoy the imagery.

Joining is easy, just click here to visit the page.

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