The Wye & Teme Valley's Premier Lifestyle Magazine

Atelier Gilmar

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Our front cover stars for autumn are Atelier Gilmar, the Goldsmiths of Monmouth. The question most asked of the goldsmiths, Gill and Alan Saunders, is “Where do you get your inspiration? ” So this is the story behind their stunning new ring collection “Bella Luce ”, which means Beautiful Light.
This summer, Gill and Alan decided to go in search of inspiration for their new Autumn collections, and where better to go than Venice; a wonderful city brimming over with art and architecture. So in July they packed their panniers and cycled the “Venetian Way” to Venice via Innsbruck and the Italian Dolomites.
Venice is a truly original city, a vision of light reflecting on water, and it quickly became obvious that this effect, together with the unique architecture, was going to fuel the source of their creativity.
While exploring the remarkable Venetian Palaces Gill and Alan discovered similarities in the way they construct their work and the way Venice was originally built. Their pieces, like great architecture, are created from the ground up with a good foundation of design and craftsmanship. So begins the idea. Bringing together the combination of pure light reflecting the colours of pink Italian Marble, the seeds of the “Beautiful Light ” (Bella Luce) ring collection were sown.
Many of the items the Goldsmiths design and make are created in a similar fashion, beginning with a spark of an idea, which is often a fusion of input between themselves and their client producing a dream piece to suit every given occasion, whether it be engagement, wedding, birthday, or anniversary, or simply because it’s the piece of jewellery they have always desired.
Working together, often sourcing a much sort-after gem (maybe a certain cut or type of gem stone) results in the perfect design- a true original.
Aside from their collections, which are always available from their studio in Monmouth, they also offer a comprehensive re-model, restoration and repair service with all of the work carried out on the premises.
Atelier Gilmar
6 White Swan Court, Monmouth, NP25 3NY
01600 715 454

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