The Wye & Teme Valley's Premier Lifestyle Magazine

Meet The Photographer: Gilly Jones

, / 2085

Gilly Jones has lived and worked in Ross-on-Wye all her life and says she can’t see herself moving now. “Having spent most of my working life in banking, I am now retired and loving every minute of it,” says Gilly. “I joined the Wye Life Photo Corner on the very first day and, apart from a short break, have been an admin for about two and a half years. I love the group, it’s full of like-minded people and I’ve made some lovely friends through it.” Here Gilly tells us about her passion for photography

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When did you first become interested in photography?
I’ve always enjoyed taking photos but I suppose I started to get obsessed when I bought a small compact digital camera from a friend. About four years ago, my husband bought me a Canon 1200D for my birthday and that’s when I really caught the bug!

Are there any photographers whose work you particularly admire?
There is no one specific, I just admire anyone who is truly passionate about capturing the world we live in.

What is your favourite subject matter?
Horses! Anyone who knows me well knows that I have always had a thing for horses and ponies. My old primary school headteacher used to tell me off for drawing nothing but horses – guess I didn’t listen to him!

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What equipment do you use?
I have recently upgraded to a Canon 80D and have several different lenses. There is so much more that I would like but sadly photography equipment does not come cheap.

Hobby or professional?
Definitely a hobby. I have dabbled in trying to make money from it in the past but found the whole thing far too stressful to the point that I started to dread picking up my camera. I’m now happily back to snapping for the love of it.

What do you love about taking photographs?
I love capturing the beauty of where we live and I love that it gives me a reason to get out and explore. I have discovered so many new places to visit from being a member of the Photo Corner. There’s also the excitement of potentially capturing that perfect moment.

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What is your favourite photograph?
My favourite photo is of a wild pony on Garway Hill. It was taken back in September 2017 whilst on a walk with Photo Corner friends and was the winner of a competition run by Wye Life Magazine. I’ve also includedd two more photos, one of Hoarwithy church and one of Ross-on-Wye.

Gilly Jones Wye Life Photo Corner
Gilly Jones

Images copyright Gilly Jones 2020

Interested in photography? Live in or near the Wye Valley?
The Wye Life photo corner welcomes members whether you’re an amateur or a professional. You can visit the Facebook group by clicking here. You’ll be most welcome.


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