The Wye & Teme Valley's Premier Lifestyle Magazine

Meet The Photographer: Lorraine Stanton

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Lorraine Stanton is exactly the kind of person we love to see on the Wye Life Photo Corner – no previous experience of taking photos but just decided to start and has taken to it like a duck to water. Lorraine is now and admin of the Photo Corner and regular contributor. Here we find out a bit more about her passion for photography.

Lorraine Stanton Wye Life Buddy
Please tell us a little about you and your background.
I’m fifty-two years old, born and brought up in gorgeous Gloucestershire. I’m a Teaching Assistant in a school in the beautiful Forest of Dean and help out with admin at our bespoke kitchen company business TaylorMade by Stanton. I’m mum to five children whose ages range from twenty-five down to fourteen-year-old twins born on the 4th May (May the 4th be with you!).

When did you first become interested in photography?
I became interested in photography about three years ago. I would often take pictures with my phone when I was out walking my dog Buddy and would post some on Facebook. People started to say lovely things about them and the more comments I received, the more I would think about how I was taking the pictures and try to improve. This made me realise that I would love a camera and my fabulous hubby bought me one for my 50th birthday.

Are there any photographers whose work you particularly admire?
I found out about Wye Life and started to post on the Wye Life Photo Corner and got a nice response. I looked at the images people were posting and realised I wanted to be involved. I admire Gill’s images, love Sadie Baneville’s delicate macro photography and really like the variety of images members post.

Lorraine Stanton Wye Life May Hill
What is your favourite subject matter?
I love sunsets, especially from May Hill, the colours are amazing. I also like close-ups of flowers and insects. Landscapes, the changes in seasons and trees – I just love taking photos when I’m out walking.

What equipment do you use?
I have a Sony a6000 mirrorless camera with three interchangeable lenses. The reason I chose this one is because I wanted a lighter camera to carry when walking Buddy.

Lorraine Stanton Wye Life May Hill Buddy
Is photography your hobby or profession?
Definitely a hobby which I’ve become passionate about but do have days when I don’t feel inspired to take pictures and I just want to walk. I know very little about photography but enrolled on a ‘getting off auto’ course last year which helped a lot. I really want to encourage Wye Life Photo Corner members to have a go and enjoy taking photos.

I’ve been on a few photography walks with the Wye Life group and it was lovely meet like-minded people and learn a tip or two from experienced members who knew what they are doing. I sometimes use Snapseed to enhance images or get rid of marks caused by a bit of dust on the lens.

What do you love about taking photographs?
I love the fact that my view on what’s around me has completely changed. I’m always looking at different angles and really notice sunlight through the trees as well as the beautiful countryside I walk through. I recently walked through an amazing small woodland with the most stunning bluebells and it really took my breath away.

Lorraine Stanton Wye Life Profile
Lorraine Stanton is just one of the many people whose lives are being enriched by taking up photography. If you live in Herefordshire, Monmouthshire or south Powys, and you’d like to join the Wye Life Photo Corner, please click here.

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