The Wye & Teme Valley's Premier Lifestyle Magazine

Meet The Photographer: Michelle Flight

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Herefordshire photographer Michelle Flight grew up in Ludlow and moved to Hereford when she was twenty-six. Michelle has worked in adult social care for about twenty years for Herefordshire Council. Michelle is a prolific contributor and Admin on the Wye Life Photo Corner Facebook Group, but, being nosey, we wanted to find out a little more.

Michelle Flight Wye Life
When did you become interested in Photography?
I’ve always been someone who takes lots of photos whether it be at weddings or on holiday, but I became more interested when I got my dog Willow. I love exploring the local countryside and further afield always searching for new places to photograph. My passion is photographing landscapes.

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You’re a member of the Wye Life Photo Corner, what do you enjoy about being part of the group?

I think the Wyelife photo group has many amazing photographers who all bring something different to the group. Everyone on there inspires me and helps me to improve my photography. It’s also a great way of finding out about interesting places to visit.

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What is your favourite subject matter?

Definitely big open landscapes. But I also love sunrises and sunsets, especially over water.

We all have our favourite brand of camera. What are you using at present?
I use my Canon 2000D camera, but in all honesty I prefer to use my Samsung phone as it takes amazing pictures. It’s great to experiment with different photo apps to see how the shot can be improved.

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Your day-to-day work is obviously in social care, would you say your photography is your main hobby? Do you have any aspirations to do it professionally?

Photography is definitely a hobby, although I have photographed a few weddings and have some framed prints on display in the Manor Hotel in Crickhowell and Peterstone Court in Brecon. I also recently had some of my photos published in Angela Jones book ‘Wild Swimming the River Wye’.

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We’re always suggesting people join the Wye Life Photo Corner Facebook Group, what do you think are the benefits? What do you like about it?

The group is a great confidence booster as everyone is so helpful and supportive. We all motivate each other and it’s great to see people’s techniques improve. It’s also interesting to see other parts of The Wye you may not be familiar with.

Do you have a favourite shot?
I love the light and shade in the shot below. I captured the sun’s rays just at the right time.

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Assuming anywhere was possible, where in the world would you love to photograph?

Somewhere like Alaska or the Norwegian Fjords. Anywhere involving the ocean!

Love to take photos?
If you enjoy photography with your phone, a film camera, a dslr or both, Wye Life welcomes you to the Wye Life Photo Corner Group on Facebook. With over 3,000 members, you’ll be in good company with lovely people who appreciate great imagery.

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